A View Within
The Collaboration of Two Fiber Artists
The advent of sonograms, MRIs, and other advanced forms of body imaging have transformed modern medicine and the way in which people view their bodies. These non-invasive renderings provide doctors with critical information about personal health, and, yet, when faced with uncertainty about a diagnosis, these medical images can provoke fear and confusion. They give a powerful glimpse into the complex systems of the bodily existence, marking growth and deterioration.
The artists’ command of material and technique inspires an important dialogue about people’s interpretations, responses, and relationships to these medical images. HCCC Curator Kathryn Hall reflects on the positive connection between art and medicine that this exhibition illustrates: “Artists have made significant contributions to our understanding of the human body. Leonardo da Vinci’s studies of the mechanics of the heart’s arterial valves, as well as his drawings of the human skeleton and major organs, were critical in determining how our bodies function. This is no less true today. A View Within inspires us to open up about our own experiences with life and death, allowing us to discuss subjects—like illness and disease—that are otherwise unpalatable.” At the heart of this exhibition, Karen Rips’ and Paula Chung’s textiles expose viewers to the inner beauty found within their own bodies, challenging them to embrace change and find common ground.

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